However no-one could have predicted the popularity of the mobile phone and the subsequent form of commerce it has given birth to. Dubbed m-commerce, early adapting countries such as Japan and the U.S. are enjoying a massive surge from this channel and it's only going to get better.
The International Telecommunication Union published a recent report on global ICT statistics and it states that the number of mobile phone subscriptions now exceeds 4.6 billion... That's 67% of the world's population with a mobile phone!!! (http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/material/Telecom09_flyer.pdf).
If you're formulating a strategy for the next ten years don't forget to check what kind of impact this will have. I'm giving my R&D team a call as soon as I get back in the office to ask whether they've got anything in the pipeline in m-commerce!
By the way, Wikipedia gives a great overview of the business applications of m-commerce.
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ReplyDeleteGood brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
ReplyDeleteWell, If you have ever thought about writing some script to automate those things that you are doing several times each day, then you have a great and easy way to automate the entir e process. It comes without saying that a few imacros and firefox add-ons will automate all actions connected to a browser (Mozilla). If you want to automate your system as such, then you may need some other script, easy commands will automate your system. Even a beginner will automate things using a simple software called as sikuli all you need to do is to tell Sikuli what to do by giving some screenshots and simple commands.
ReplyDeleteA GUI will be used with Sikuli. Sikuli is an open siurce scripting application that will use a combination of easy commands like click, type, wait and so on. There's no internal API support, it just searches the screen for the image in the screenshot-that implies that you can use it for anything. There is literally no limit on how you employ it to automate things.
This is too good to be true, however if you watch the following video, you may come to know that this can be very easy. If you visit their home page, you get a lot of tutorials and support; it can be a cake walk even for beginners. You can check the video as well as get the software at [url=http://technoages.com/operating-system/apple-mac-os/automate-everything-through-a-simple-script-make-your-computer-listen-to-you/]TechnoAges.com[/url]
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
ReplyDeletebadiaries.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.